Whites Treasure Master
Metal Detector
List Price: $299.95
Whites Treasure Master
Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $279.00
Maximize your treasure hunting at an affordable price with
the TREASUREmaster®. Unlike the preset ground balance on
most comparable metal detectors, Treasuremaster's true Automatic
Ground Balance adapts to ground conditions as you hunt for increased
depth and sensitivity to small targets. With 5 search modes
and a big VDI number in the center of the display, you'll be
hunting like the pros in no time!
4 Audio Tones
5 Search Modes
8 Target ID Segments
9.5 Concentric search coil
Adjustable arm rest
Adjustable Discrimination
All-Metal Operation
Automatic Ground Balance
Beach Mode
Full Two-year Warranty
Pinpoint Mode
Volume Control
Waterproof Search Coil
Weather Resistant
Whites Treasure Pro Metal Detector
List: $399.95
Whites Treasure Pro
Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $369.00
Maximize your treasure hunting at an affordable price with the TREASUREpro.
Unlike the preset ground balance on most comparable metal detectors,
TREASUREpro's true Automatic Ground Balance adapts to ground conditions
as you hunt for increased depth and sensitivity to small targets.
With 5 search modes and a big VDI number in the center of the
display, you'll be hunting like the pros in no time! Also features
a 10" DD search coil for added depth.
10" DD Waterproof Search Coil
16 Segment Discrimination
5 Search Modes
8 Audio Tones
8 Target ID Segments
Adjustable arm rest
Adjustable Discrimination
Adjustable Threshold Volume
All-Metal Operation
Automatic Ground Balance with AutoTrac®
Beach Mode
Big bold VDI numbers
Complete Versatility
Full Two-year Warranty
Pinpoint Mode
Turn-on-and-go Simplicity
Volume Control
Weather Resistant
Adjustable Length: 46" > 51"
All Metal Audio: VCO
Audio Output: Speaker & 1/4" Headphone
Batteries: 2 - "AA"
Battery Life: 20
Disc Audio: Threshold
Optional Coils: Coinmaster Family
Standard Coil: 10" (DD)
Number of Presets: 5
Frequency: 8.2 kHz
Size: 10"
Configuration: DD

Whites Bullseye TRX Pinpointer
List Price: $159.95
Whites Bullseye TRX Pinpointer
Free Shipping
Price: $149.95
White's Bullseye TRX is the perfect companion to your metal
detector. Locate valuable coins, rings, jewelry, gold and relics!
When you've located a target and dug the hole, use the Bullseye
TRX Pinpointer to precisely "pinpoint" the target.
No tuning. Completely automatic. Powerful LED light illuminates
target areas when the button is pushed. Powered for up to 20
hours on two AA batteries or a single 9-Volt battery.
The Bullseye TRX’s area of detection is concentrated
around the tip, making it easy to zero in on the target. This
feature along with the ones below makes the Bullseye TRX the
most complete pinpointer on the market.

MX Sport
Call for Details
This general purpose waterproof metal detector can do it all!
Beach hunting, relics, coins and jewelry, and even prospecting.
With it's roots in the MX lineup, MX Sport builds on the legendary
MXT, with new features and the latest technology. IP68 Certified
Waterproof - up to 10 feet. (Land headphone included. Waterproof
headphone optional.)
10" DD Waterproof Search Coil
6 Search Modes
Automatic Ground Balance with Tracking
Backlit Display
Beach Mode
Big bold VDI numbers
Coin/Jewelry Mode
Depth Reading
Frequency Control
Pinpoint Mode
Prospecting Mode
Relic Mode
Salt and Freshwater
Target ID
Threshold Control
Tone ID
VDI Target Readings
Volume Control
Waterproof to 10 feet. IP 68 Certified
Adjustable Length: 46" > 53"
All Metal Audio: Array
Audio Output: Speaker & 1/4" Headphone
Batteries: 8 "AA"
Battery Life: 20
Optional Coils: Eclipse Family
Standard Coil: 10" (DD)
Height: Maximum 55"
Number of Presets: 6
Frequency: 13.9 kHz
Size: 10"
Configuration: DD

Whites Spectra® V3i Metal Detector w/ Wireless
List Price: $1,799.95
Whites Spectra® V3i Metal Detector w/ Wireless
Free Shipping
Price: $1555.00
The Spectra® V3i is White’s premier metal detector.
We’ve included all our treasure-hunting features, and
your investment is backed by a comprehensive 2-year warranty.
The beautiful, full-color HD display clearly explains the depth
and metal type of detected objects. The V3i is always ready
to go with its rechargeable battery and ready to help with an
onboard reference guide.
If you’re just starting out, the V3i has 9 presets, giving
you turn-on-and-go versatility that fits your terrain and target,
whether it’s coins, jewelry, relics of the past, or gold
Expert users will appreciate the V3i’s dozens of optional
settings that can be changed in real time via dashboard controls.
You’ll experience unparalleled depth and sensitivity,
even in previously-hunted areas!

Whites MXT All Pro Metal Detector
List Price: $899.95
Whites MXT All Pro Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $823.00
The MXT All Pro combines popular new features with the proven,
legendary performance of the MXT line — it’s like
having three metal detectors in one! You’ll enjoy its
all-new keypad, high-efficiency backlight, and Ground Grab settings
lock. This favorite comes with a 10” DD search coil
Three separate programs give you versatility with different
target responses, display info, and audio frequencies for relics,
prospecting, and coins/jewelry.
Relic: Specifically identifies buttons, buckles, and bullets
with three options for tone ID.
Prospecting: Iron Grunt for targets for high probability of
being iron.
Coin/Jewelry: Coin/jewelry/trash target ID with seven tones
telling you the type of target before you dig.

Whites Coinmaster Pro Metal Detector List Price: $299.95
Whites Coinmaster Pro Metal
Free Shipping
Price: $279.00
The rugged Coinmaster offers solid performance with features
that help you discover coins and jewelry.
The Pro model surpasses the basic Coinmaster’s features
with Smart Notch that allow you to reject tabs at low discrimination
or accept nickels at high discrimination. Five-Range Discrimination
adjusts so you can hear everything or only the signal types
you choose.
Target ID shows you the identification of targets as you hunt,
so you can see and hear the target. The Pro model’s Tone
ID goes a step further with different audio tones for nails
and iron, rings and jewelry, and coins. Depth reading then helps
you know how deep to dig.
At only 2.5 pounds, the Coinmaster is comfortable for all-day
use with its included pair of 9-volt batteries, and the waterproof
9” Spider Coil is ready for beach exploration.

Whites Coinmaster GT Metal Detector List Price: $399.95
Whites Coinmaster GT Metal
Free Shipping
Price: $359.00
The Coinmaster GT combines simplicity with high-end features
in a detector that excels at coinshooting and finding jewelry.
Beach Mode, a 9” waterproof coil, and the water-resistant
control box make it ready to explore the shore.
Adjustable Notch Discrimination and Smart Notch allow you to
selectively filter out worthless target profiles like nails,
foil, and pull tabs from cans. Automatic Ground Balance self-adjusts
while you’re on the move.
Five-Range Discrimination and Visual Discrimination Indication
on its backlit display provide precise target information before
you spend time digging. The slide-in battery pack is easy to
swap and uses standard AA batteries.

Whites Coinmaster Metal Detector
List Price: $199.95
Whites Coinmaster Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $179.00
The rugged Coinmaster offers solid performance with features
that help you discover coins and jewelry. Target ID shows you
the identification of targets as you hunt, so you can see and
hear the target, and depth reading helps you know how deep to
This metal detector’s Five-Range Discrimination adjusts
so you can hear everything or only the signal types you choose.
At only 2.5 pounds, the Coinmaster is comfortable to use all
day with its included pair of 9-volt batteries, and the waterproof
9” Spider Coil is ready for beach exploration.

Whites MX5 Metal Detector
List Price: $599.95
Whites MX5 Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $549.00
The MX5 is a versatile detector that can be used almost anywhere-
with both a general purpose Coin mode and a Beach mode that
allows ground tracking even in wet salt sand.

Whites Spectra VX3 Metal Detector List Price: $1,199.95
Whites Spectra VX3 Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $1099.00
The VX3 combines the premier performance of the Spectra V3i
with the turn-on-and-go simplicity of the Coinmaster line of
metal detector.
This top-of-the-line metal detector is as easy to use as an
ATM with 8 preset hunting programs. You’ll be ready to
discover coins, jewelry, gold, silver, and relics. Take it to
the shore with a specialized beach mode.
Customization continues with 3 frequencies optimized for different
targets: 2.5 kHz, 7.5 kHz, and 22.5 kHz.
When you come across a target, the SpectraGraph Target Signature
shows on the VX3’s high-resolution color display, helping
you decide whether the find is worth digging up.
The VX3 is ready to use with White’s SpectraSound wireless
headphones. For traditional audio identification, choose from
four modes of discrimination and optional tone ID with 191 different
There are essential settings for you to optionally adjust,
but the Spectra VX3 is all about making treasure finding easy
for every hunter — detecting targets with performance
worthy of the Spectra name.

Whites MXT Metal Detector
List Price: $799.95
Whites MXT Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $729.00
The legendary performance of the MXT is like having three metal
detectors in one! This detector is as comfortable hunting for
coins in the park as searching old battlefields for relics.
Its easy operation and performance were designed by prospectors
for the tough task of finding gold.
Three separate programs give you versatility with different
target responses, display info, and audio frequencies for Relics,
Prospecting, and Coins/Jewelry.
Relic: Specifically identifies buttons, buckles, and bullets
with three options for tone ID.
Prospecting: Iron Grunt for targets with high probability of
being iron.
Coin/Jewelry: Coin/jewelry/trash target ID with distinct tone
All modes have automatic ground balance, overload alert, VDI
range of -95 to +95, and 3-easy-to-adjust controls:
Gain maximizes sensitivity and depth. Threshold allows you
to hunt with a slight hum or hear only the sound of detected
targets. Dual control functions differently in each program.

Whites Spectra® V3i Metal Detector List Price:
Whites Spectra® V3i Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $1349.00
The Spectra® V3i is White’s premier metal detector.
We’ve included all our treasure-hunting features, and
your investment is backed by a comprehensive 2-year warranty.
The beautiful, full-color HD display clearly explains the depth
and metal type of detected objects. The V3i is always ready
to go with its rechargeable battery and ready to help with an
onboard reference guide.
If you’re just starting out, the V3i has 9 presets, giving
you turn-on-and-go versatility that fits your terrain and target,
whether it’s coins, jewelry, relics of the past, or gold
Expert users will appreciate the V3i’s dozens of optional
settings that can be changed in real time via dashboard controls.
You’ll experience unparalleled depth and sensitivity,
even in previously-hunted areas!
The V3i works best with the included wireless SpectraSound
headphones. White’s premier headset lets you hear every
signal with astonishing clarity and without worrying about distractions
or tangled cords.

Whites GMT Metal Detector
List Price: $799.95
Whites GMT Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $729.00
The GMT is White’s “Goldmaster” — used
in goldfields around the world! This detector ignores the harsh
ground found in gold-bearing areas to simplify prospecting and
find nuggets large and small, and coins, too.
The GMT is made for gold country, with 48 KHz operating frequency
— the best for gold — and a waterproof search coil
that’s ready for streams and rivers.
High-end features like the iron target analyzer make hunting
easier. Manual controls are available for advanced users, and
each option includes a recommended initial setting.
Also onboard: variable self-adjusting threshold, Grab Pushpad
for setting ground balance instantly, automatic ground balance,
and “Follow the Paystreak” feature, which displays
the amount of magnetic minerals in the ground.

Whites TM 808 Metal Detector
List Price: $799.95
Whites TM 808 Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $729.00
The TM 808 Treasuremaster is designed to locate large, deep
objects. It’s ready to discover coin caches, treasure
chests, and hoards of gold or silver. But it has a practical
side, too, and is ideal for detecting septic tanks, tools, equipment,
metal pipes, and relics.
Its dual-race track antenna works with adjustable ground balance
to reject ground minerals and detect deeper metals. With larger
objects, it can even detect up to 20 feet deep. Presets on each
control offer hassle-free setup, and your favorite settings
are quickly recalled with push-button retuning.
If you’re looking for big finds, this is the best detector
to use.

Whites M6 Metal Detector
List Price: $699.95
Whites M6 Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $640.00
The M6 specializes in finding coins and jewelry with turn-on-and-go
It’s a high-performance, MXT-style detector that’s
suitable for all kinds of ground conditions and is equally at
home in parks and yards, playgrounds, and even at the beach.
It’s simple to use with three controls that all have easy-set
labels and still offer full-range maximum depth.
Seven tones audibly identify different targets, while the display
shows target labels, VDI numbers, and depth readings.
7 Tone ID
Auto Trac Toggle
Full Size Display
Operating Frequency
Pinpoint/All Metal Mode
Turn-on-and-go Simplicity

Whites BeachHunter 300 ID Metal Detector List Price:
Whites BeachHunter 300 ID
Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $915.00
For combing beaches, your best friend is the BeachHunter 300,
which ignores junk and detects treasure in and out of the water.
The control box is detachable, and color-coded LEDs let you
identify detected targets with just a glance.
Water and electronics usually don’t mix, but this detector
is completely waterproof in depths up to 25 feet.
The specially designed 12” spider coil has extreme detection
depth but is epoxy-filled so it has near neutral buoyancy: it
won’t push away from the water or try to sink. Included
Piezo headphones are also waterproof to guard against accidental
Dual-frequency detection provides optimum results on the sand
and in the water, while two search modes toggle between pinpointing
and wide search. The detector’s three controls let you
adjust threshold, sensitivity, and ground.
3 Controls- Threshold, Sensitivity, & Ground
Detachable Control Box
Dual Frequency Metal Detector
Salt and Freshwater
Target ID at its easiest
Two Search Modes

Whites Surfmaster PI Metal Detector List Price: $899.95
Whites Surfmaster PI Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $823.00
Designed for difficult beach grounds, the Surfmaster Dual Field
combines turn-on-and-go ease with the extreme depth and sensitivity
of pulse induction detection. PI technology yields extreme depth
detection for coins and jewelry – especially in salt water
and mineralized ground.
This detector is surf-ready and completely waterproof to a
depth of 100 feet. Its 12” dual-field search coil has
near neutral buoyancy, so it won’t push away from the
water or try to sink. Included Piezo headphones are also waterproof.
The Surfmaster Dual Field is sensitive to gold, even at maximum
depth, and makes hunting easier with gain control and variable
sweep speed. The adjustable pulse delay reduces noise from black
sand and junk, making targets easier to pick out.
Adjustable Pulse Delay
Automatic Ground Rejection
Completely Waterproof
Enhanced Sensitivity to Gold
Gain Control
Near-Neutral Loop Buoyancy
Pulse Induction Operation
Quick Target Recovery
Tuner Control

Whites TDI™ SL Metal Detector with 12" Coil
Metal Detector
List Price: $1,299.95
Whites TDI™ SL Metal Detector with 12"
Free Shipping
Price: $1189.00
To hunt all day, you need a lightweight detector that still
provides high performance. The TDI Pro Metal Detector has pulse
induction power that provides unbeatable depth and sensitivity
and is designed specifically for prospecting and identifying
Special prospecting features make life easier, such full-control
ground balance that filters out the iron mineralization of hot
rocks, black sand, and other tough grounds.
This compact detector weighs only 3.5 pounds with its waterproof
12” Spider Search Coil, which offers deep detection depth.
Other accessory coils are also available.
The rechargeable NIMH battery lasts up to 6 hours, and a backup
AA battery back will power all-day exploration.
3-Way Target Conductivity Selector
Frequency Control
Precision Ground Balance Control
Pulse Delay Control
Threshold Control
Variable Audio Select
Volume Control
Waterproof 7.5" or 12" Spider Coil

Whites TDI™ Pro Metal Detector List Price: $1,799.95
Whites TDI™ Pro Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $1555.00
The Pulsescan TDI Pro has a Pulse Induction circuit offering
standard-setting performance, even in the most difficult ground
conditions. It provides unbeatable depth and sensitivity and
is ideal for prospecting, beach exploration, and hunting relics
and coins.
Pulse Delay Control further customizes performance for small
targets, large targets, gold, conductive materials, and more.
User-controlled ground balance allows different audio tones
to sound for different target materials.
This well-balanced detector weighs 5 pounds with its waterproof
12” Spider Search Coil, which offers deep detection depth.
Other accessory coils are also available.
Its high-performance Lithium-Ion battery can be recharged with
the included wall charger and car fast-charger.
Battery Life LED
Fine-Tune Ground Balance Controls
Frequency Control
One powerful 14.4 Volt Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Battery Pack
Pulse Delay Control
Threshold Control
Two-year Parts and Labor Warranty
Variable Audio Select
Volume Control
Waterproof 12" Spider Coil

Whites PRL-1 Metal Detector
List Price: $399.95
Whites PRL-1 Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $350.00
White’s PRL-1 is designed to locate property stake pins,
valves, sprinkler heads, shallow pipes, and cables.
This specialized detector is easy to use and adjustable to
detect either all metals or ignore junk metals such as iron.
The included 9.5” search coil is waterproof, and ground
balance is simplified with presets.
80 Hours of Battery Life
Built-in Automatic Ground Exclusion
Volume Control
Waterproof 12" Spider Coil

Whites GMZ Metal Detector
List Price: $499.95
Whites GMZ Metal Detector
Free Shipping
Price: $450.00
The GMZ simplifies gold prospecting. The easy-to-use manual
ground rejection system ignores the harsh ground typically encountered
in gold-bearing areas. There are just two other controls, for
sensitivity and ground toggle.
The high-frequency 50 kHz coil is optimum for discovering gold,
and the all-metal operation won’t disregard any signals
— which you’ll hear clearly because of Silent Search,
which eliminates the threshold sound normally heard at all times.
At only 3.4 pounds with batteries, the GMZ is comfortable and
well-balanced for all-day use in the field.
Website by Papertique / Graphiquedujour